
Shop Now!

Welcome to the 2025 promotional item ordering site. To begin, please click on one of the “shop” buttons. You will find a selection of the items available for ordering.

Once you have selected all the items for your Council, you will be directed to checkout. Councils will be invoiced directly for their orders. In the secure check out section, you will need to enter the following pieces of information, so please keep this handy:

  • Information about who is placing the order for the Council
  • Ordering and shipping GL codes (Invoices will be sent following production and will need to be paid by the orderer upon receipt)
  • Billing information
  • Shipping information – for who is receiving the order (name, contact information, address)

Please keep in mind the main purpose of these products is for external audiences for recruitment opportunities like trade shows, farmer’s markets, fairs, school visits, etc. across the Council. With that in mind, the items and designs have been chosen and created to appeal to the public as well as members – both youth and adults.

Please note that the pricing on these items has been estimated based on meeting certain quantity thresholds in our final nation-wide order. If pricing changes, you will be advised. Shipping will also be calculated and charged for each order.

Please contact giesbrechtj@girlguides.ca with any questions about your order.

This ordering system is open until 11:59pm EST, February 28, 2025.